Charsfield Parish Council Meeting 20 November 2018 Minutes

Charsfield Parish Council Meeting 20 November 2018 Minutes


Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 20th November 2018

Present:          Councillors Pedgrift (Chair), Moor (Vice Chair), Owen Williams, Murray, Godwin, Laird and Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk)

                        3 Members of the Public plus Robin Vickery

1. Apologies and Approval of Absence
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Approval of Minutes of the Meeting held on 25th September 2018
Minutes were approved and signed by Councillor Pedgrift
4. Progress Reports for Information or Matters Arising
Church Road car parking appears to have improved so no further action will be taken at the moment.  If further complaints are received all residents will be written to.  
5. Points from the public – A chance for the public to raise matters of interest relevant to Charsfield.   None
6. Reports
6.1 County Council Councillor Vickery is now on the Scrutiny Committee and Police Committee.   The Hold – the new archive centre of the Suffolk Records Office – is due to be opened in 2019.  The Lowestoft Record Office now has some concerns about its own future.   Councillor Mary Evans is the new head of the Highways Department and Councillor Vickery has taken her around some specific sites.   Councillor Matthew Hicks is the new head of SCC and also in charge of Broadband.   The Service of Remembrance in Christchurch Park was the largest seen in recent times and very successful.  The Royal British Legion had organised for school children to lay crosses on all Commonwealth War Graves in Ipswich.   There was some concern re home to school transport which involves children living less than two miles from school having to walk in areas where there are no designated footpaths.  This has now gone to cabinet.  Councillor Vickery explained that expenditure on social care and young children is over budget this year.  
6.2 District Council No report.
6.3 Recreation Ground Suffolk Coastal have put out to Public Consultation “The Public Space Protection Order”.  Copy attached.  This notice will be circulated in the village.   The habitat required to accommodate the reptile mitigation plan associated with the new development needs to be put in place.   The Recreation Ground is trying to obtain some funding under the old Play Space Scheme related to the development behind the Three Horseshoes.    Clerk
6.4 Village Hall No report  
SAVID, SpeedWatch and B1078 Calming Update The Mobile Speeding Sign has now arrived and is in use.    Designated sites have been earmarked but we would like local residents to volunteer to deploy this.  The sign has already been used effectively in a few sites.  The bracket has been adapted to take a chain and padlock.  The battery lasts for over twelve hours.  Clerk to check volunteers are covered under the Parish Council public liability insurance.  Chris Warman and Martin Lyne hope to organise a rota and locations.    Clerk to contact the Council again re Charsfield Village sign at the entrance to the village from the north end of Church Street.   Clerk Clerk
8. Planning:
Planning Application DC/18/4434/FUL – erection of single storey residential log cabin and demolition of existing prefab house.   Whilst the Parish Council is not against this planning application, it is concerned the proposed structure is not suitable for permanent residential habitation.   Clerk
9. Finance 9.1       To authorise payments as listed below:              
Date Detail Ref Power Amount
02/11/2018 20/11/2018 20/11/2018 20/11/2018 20/11/2018   SALC – internal audit Community Heartbeat Trust SALC – Training CAS – additional insurance Wave – Anglia Water Bank Transfer Bank Transfer Bank Transfer Bank Transfer Bank Transfer   LA 2011 ss 1-8 LA 2011 ss 1-8 LA 2011 ss 1-8 LA 2011 ss 1-8 S125   £170.40 £126.00 £271.20 £17.72 £44.59
              9.2       To note receipt of income as listed below:  None   9.3       Councillor Moor is now another bank signatory and has applied for on line banking access.   9.3       Bank reconciliations were agreed and are attached to minutes.   9.4       Estimated Election Fees 2019 of £900 will be reserved at the end of the year and £250 saved annually going forward in the budget.               Clerk
10.       Budget 2019-2020 The Budget was accepted and agreed.  This was proposed by Councillor Pedgrift and seconded by Councillor Owen Williams.
11. Precept 2019-2020 The Precept for 2019-2020 of £5,250 was proposed by Councillor Pedgrift and seconded by Councillor Moor. Clerk
12. To update and approve Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Code of Conduct and Transparency Code   These were approved and were proposed by Councillor Laird and seconded by Councillor Murray.
13. Neighbourhood Plan The Parish Council has been given to understand that the local authority, East Suffolk, would listen more to a PC with a Neighbourhood Plan than one without.  Clerk to check out costs involved in using an outside agency to put together.  Clerk to contact SALC and other small PCs to see what can be found out and discuss again at next meeting.   Clerk Clerk
14. Internal Control Document Councillor Godwin has just undertaken this for the first.  Most things are in order and it is nearly finished.   
15. Governance A Resolution to appoint the Charsfield Village Hall Management Committee as “Managing Trustees of Charsfield Village Hall was passed and approved and was proposed by Councillor Godwin and seconded by Councillor Moor.   The necessary document was signed at this meeting by the Chair and the Chair of the Village Hall Management Committee will also be asked to sign.  
16. Emergency Plan – update Councillor Moor had had a meeting with the Emergency Planning Officer from East Suffolk Council and has made a few changes to the Plan.   Not every section is aware of their role as yet.  The emergency kit will be kept in the Village Hall.   When completed Version 1 will be placed on the website and a copy sent to the Local Authority.
17. Telephone Kiosk An estimate had been received from SGC Sandblasting to sandblast, etch prime and paint the telephone kiosk at a cost of £1,200.  As this is a large sum to spend on one item it was decided to put this to the village to decide.   An article would be placed in the February Parish Magazine and on email asking if the village are happy for this money to be spent on this item.   Clerk
18. Grit Boxes The PC only have one grit box at the moment, although this was not refilled last year.  It was decided to purchase at least two more – one for St Peter’s Close and one for Southview if volunteers come forward to spread the grit.  Clerk to find out price from Norse and the refilling process.   Clerk
19. Date of Next Meetings
              29th January 2019             19th March 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
         The meeting closed at 9:40 pm.

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