Archive 20 May 2016

Annual Parish Meeting 2016

  CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL   ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PARISH   Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 10th May 2016   Present:          Councillors Winkworth Chair), Pedgrift, Moor, Owen Williams, Newman, Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk)                         Attendees:      2 Members of the Public               Apologies:      Councillors Hedger                                                                                                                                Action 1. Update

Parish Council Annual Meeting 2016 – Minutes

CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL – ANNUAL MEETING   Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 10th May 2016   Present:          Councillors Winkworth (Chair), Pedgrift, Moor, Owen Williams, Newman, Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk)                         Attendees:      Martin Lyne                   Action 1. To elect a Chair of the Parish Council To

Annual Parish Meeting

CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL   Annual Meeting of the Parish In Charsfield Village Hall at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, 10th May 2016 Members of the public and press are welcome to attend           In order the Parish Council can be sure it is addressing the challenges of life in Charsfield and accurately

Annual Parish Council Meeting 10 May 2016

Clerk to Charsfield Parish Council June Cottage Charsfield IP13 7PR     3rd May 2016     Annual Meeting of Charsfield Village Parish Council to be held at Charsfield Village Hall at 7:30 pm on 10th May 2016                 AGENDA   To elect a Chair of the Parish Council To receive the Chair’s