The Telephone Kiosk in The Street has now been decommissioned and has been purchased by the Parish Council. We will organise for this to be painted and reglazed as soon as possible. The Parish Council would welcome suggestions for how this should be used in future.
Charsfield Parish Council 22 November 2016 minutes

CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 22nd November 2016 Present: Councillors Winkworth (Chair), Murray, Owen Williams, Moor, Newman and Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk) Attendees: Councillor Robin Vickery Action 1. Apologies and Approval of Absence Councillors
Minutes 20 September 2016

CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 20th September 2016 Present: Councillors Winkworth (Chair), Hedger, Murray, Owen Williams, Moor and Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk) Attendees: Councillor Robin Vickery – sent his apologies Action 1. Apologies and Approval of
Defibrillator Fund
Charsfield Parish Council Meeting 19 July 2016 minutes

CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 19th July 2016 Present: Councillors Winkworth (Chair), Pedgrift, Owen Williams, Newman, Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk) Attendees: Action 1. Apologies and Approval of Absence Councillors Hedger, Murray and Moor 2.
Parish Council 19 July 2016 agenda
Meeting of Charsfield Village Parish Council To be held on 19th July 2016 at 7:30 pm In Charsfield Village Hall AGENDA Apologies and approval of absences Declarations of Interest To approve as accurate minutes of the last meeting of the council dated 10th May 2016 Progress reports for
Charsfest 2016
Charsfest 2016 was a great success: An opportunity for the whole village to come together for a fun packed day and evening. So many people work very hard to make it happen it is difficult to thank everyone but here goes: First thanks to those people who ran stalls for the benefit of the recreation
Annual Parish Meeting 2016

CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PARISH Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 10th May 2016 Present: Councillors Winkworth Chair), Pedgrift, Moor, Owen Williams, Newman, Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk) Attendees: 2 Members of the Public Apologies: Councillors Hedger Action 1. Update
Parish Council Annual Meeting 2016 – Minutes

CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL – ANNUAL MEETING Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 10th May 2016 Present: Councillors Winkworth (Chair), Pedgrift, Moor, Owen Williams, Newman, Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk) Attendees: Martin Lyne Action 1. To elect a Chair of the Parish Council To
Annual Parish Meeting

CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Annual Meeting of the Parish In Charsfield Village Hall at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, 10th May 2016 Members of the public and press are welcome to attend In order the Parish Council can be sure it is addressing the challenges of life in Charsfield and accurately