Charsfield Annual Parish Meeting     7th May 2013     Charsfield Village Hall

Chairman’s Report

Last year the Annual Parish Meeting for the year 2011/12 of Charsfield Parish Council was held on the 1st May 2012. The Parish Council consists of seven elected councillors. During the year Helen Gray resigned and the casual vacancy was filled by Francis Moor.

This year there have been six regular meetings of the Parish Council. These meetings were attended by a total of 8 members of the public in addition to the Councillors, County Councillor Peter Belfield, District Councillor Bob Snell and Police Liaison Officer PSCO 3034 Christian Hassler. In addition to these regular P.C. Meetings there have been Planning Application and Financial Meetings.


The accounts are balanced and being audited. The Parish Council continues to financially support village organisations. All financial requests from village groups are always carefully considered. As can be seen from the Financial Statement the Parish Council has been saving money for the last few years. This amount of money is ear marked for large village projects, such as the Village Hall Car Park, which will probably have to be resurfaced next year.


Planning Applications have been received for house extensions and for new houses to be built on derelict house footprints. All planning applications are considered at public meetings in the village hall and the responses sent to Suffolk Coastal Planning Department. A great deal of concern and anger has been generated by Suffolk Coastal’s lack of action in retrospective planning applications. They seem powerless to intervene in areas where there have been clear breaches of the plans submitted. County and District Councillors and the local MP have been informed but they also are ineffective.


Tony Buckingham from the Highways Department accepted the Parish Councils invitation to visit Charsfield and saw at first hand the problems we have in the village regarding:- excessive speed of traffic, wearing away of verges, pot holes , road signs, road markings and school parking. A plan was drawn up to alleviate these issues. Pot holes and some road markings have been repaired, whilst the rest is a working towards situation due to lack of financial resources. We are hoping that money may be forthcoming from our County Councillors budget next year.

Heavy and prolonged rainfall this last year has caused some flooding in the village in Chapel Lane and in the Chapel. The environment agency were notified and it appears that the problem is with the pipes crossing Chapel Lane. This issue has still to be resolved.

The old road sign at the corner of The Street and Church Road is to be repaired and re-erected and a Grit Bin is to be placed in Hall Road in readiness for icy weather next winter.


The re-opening of the 3 Horseshoes Public House was welcomed by parishioners. Great consideration was given to the licensing hours.

The Alan Pedgrift Memorial Field now provides tremendous leisure facilities for the village. For village fetes and Fun Days it is an ideal location. The P.C. continues to financially support the playing field including maintenance and grass cutting. Many thanks should be given to the committee for their great commitment.

The Village Hall again has continued to provide the village with great facilities for indoor events. The P.C. also financially supports the hall through payment of the water bills, insurance and relaying the flooring. Again, thanks to the Village Hall Committee for their endeavours.

Police/Neighbourhood Watch

The Police have reported a spate of burglaries and villagers are warned to be aware and securely lock buildings.

Mike Davey our Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator, continues to e-mail reports affecting Charsfield and surrounding areas.

Once again I would like to thank all the Parish Councillors for their support of the people of Charsfield.

Finally, I would like to thank Bob Osborne our Clerk who will be retiring today for his untiring support, guidance and organisational skills for over a decade with the Parish Council.

E.J. Winkworth