CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 24th November 2015 Present: Councillors E Winkworth, J Newman, G Hedger, F Moor, D Murray, S Owen Williams, M Hedger Attendees: No Members of the Public Action 1. Apologies for Absence None 2.
CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 23rd September 2015 Present: Councillors E Winkworth, J Newman, G Hedger F Moor, D Murray, S Owen Williams Attendees: 11 Members of the Public Action 1. Apologies for Absence Cllr Jan Pedgrift
CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 28th July 2015 Present: Councillors E Winkworth, F Moor, J Newman, G Hedger Attendees: 10 Members of the Public, 2 Community Police Officers Action 1. Apologies for Absence Cllrs J Pedgrift and D Murray
Charsfield Parish Council Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on Friday 15th May 2015 at 7.00pm, Charsfield Village Hall, Councillors are summoned to attend, Public and Press invited AGENDA Welcome To elect a Chairman of the Parish Council a) To receive the Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office To elect a Vice-Chairman of
Charsfield Annual Parish Meeting 27th May 2014 Chairman’s Report Charsfield Parish Council, consisting of seven elected councillors, has held six regular public meetings this year. Additional special meetings involving Housing Developments, Planning Applications and Neighbourhood Plans have also been held. The meetings have also been attended regularly by County Councillor Peter Bellfield, District Councillor Bob
Annual Meeting of Charsfield Parish Council Tuesday 27th May 2014 DRAFT MINUTES Present: Cllrs P Holloway, F Moor, J Pedgrift, E Winkworth (Chairman) Attending: the Clerk and 6 members of the public Minute numbers and Actions 1 Election of Chairman Current chairman Cllr Ed Winkworth was unanimously re-elected. C2014048 2
Charsfield Annual Parish Meeting Tuesday 27th May 2014 DRAFT MINUTES Present: Cllrs P Holloway, F Moor, J Pedgrift, E Winkworth (Chairman), the Clerk and 6 members of the public. The meeting commenced at 9:35 following the Annual Parish Council Meeting. 1 Apologies: Cllrs D Murray and R Wright, SCC Cllr P
Meeting of Charsfield Parish Council Tuesday 18th March 2014 DRAFT MINUTES Present: Cllrs P Holloway, F Moor, D Murray, J Pedgrift, E Winkworth (Chairman) Attending: the Clerk and 9 members of the public Minute numbers and Actions 1 Apologies: Cllrs A Reeve and R Wright, SCC Cllr P Bellfield, SCDC Cllr
Meeting of Charsfield Parish Council Tuesday 18th March 2014 in the Village Hall at 7:30pm A G E N D A 1 Apologies 2 Declarations of Interest with regard to items on the agenda (pecuniary and non-pecuniary) 3 Points from the public: a chance for the public to raise matters of interest