Parish Council Meeting 21 November 2017 Minutes

                                                                                                       CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL                                                                             Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 21st November 2017   Present:          Councillors Pedgrift (Acting Chair), Owen Williams, Moor, Hedger, Murray, Godwin and Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk)                           10 Members of the Public                                   Action 1. Apologies and Approval of Absence     Councillor

Parish Council Meeting 21 November 2017

Charsfield Village Parish Council Meeting – 7:30 pm 21st November 2017 Charsfield Village Hall   AGENDA     Apologies and approval of absence   Declarations of Interest   To approve as accurate minutes of the last meeting of the council dated 19th September 2017   Progress reports for information or matters arising from minutes  

Parish Council Meeting 19 September 2017

The next meeting of Charsfield Village Parish Council to be held at Charsfield Village Hall at 7:30 pm on 19th September 2017.               Public Participation   At Item 5 of the Agenda the public will be invited to give their views or question the Parish Council on issues on this agenda or raise issues

Parish Council Meeting 18 July 2017 minutes

                                                                                                       CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL                                                                             Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 18th July 2017   Present:          Councillors Winkworth (Chair), Owen Williams, Moor, Hedger, Murray and Pedgrift and Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk)                                 Action 1. Apologies and Approval of Absence     Mark Amoss and

Charsfield Parish Council Meeting 28 March 2017 minutes

                                             CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL                      Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 28th March 2017   Present:          Councillors Winkworth (Chair), Owen Williams, Moor, Murray, Hedger and Pedgrift and Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk)                         Attendees:      Councillor Robin Vickery                     Action 1. Apologies and Approval of Absence  

Charsfield Parish Council Meeting 17 January 2017 Minutes

                                             CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL                      Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 17th January 2017   Present:          Councillors Winkworth (Chair), Owen Williams, Moor, Newman, Hedger and Pedgrift and Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk)                         Attendees:                          Action 1. Apologies and Approval of Absence     Councillor Murray

Parish Council Agenda 17 January 2017

  Clerk to Charsfield Parish Council June Cottage Charsfield IP13 7PR   9th January 2017         CHARSFIELD VILLAGE PARISH COUNCIL     The next meeting of the Charsfield Village Parish Council will be held at Charsfield Village Hall at 7:30 pm on 17th January 2017.       AGENDA   Apologies and

Charsfield Parish Council 22 November 2016 minutes

                                             CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL                      Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 22nd November 2016   Present:          Councillors Winkworth (Chair), Murray, Owen Williams, Moor, Newman and Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk)                         Attendees:      Councillor Robin Vickery                     Action 1. Apologies and Approval of Absence     Councillors

Minutes 20 September 2016

  CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL   Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 20th September 2016   Present:          Councillors Winkworth (Chair), Hedger, Murray, Owen Williams, Moor and Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk)                         Attendees:      Councillor Robin Vickery – sent his apologies                     Action 1. Apologies and Approval of