Sign up for mailings from the Parish Council here Future meetings planned for: 17th May 2022 19th July 2022 20th September 2022 22nd November 2022 Agendas and minutes will be published here as they become available. All meetings at held in the Village Hall commencing at 7:30 pm. Annual
Parish Council: Councillors
Parish Councils are the smallest unit of local government and the closest to their electors. Councillors are elected and work to support and improve the area they represent. Charsfield Parish Council has 7 councillors. Councillors are elected for a period of four years and the next election will take place in 2023. Who are my
Charsfield Parish Council Meeting 25 September 2018 Minutes

CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 25th September 2018 Present: Councillors Moor (Vice Chair), Murray, Godwin, Laird and Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk) Tony Fryatt and no Members of the Public Action 1. Apologies and Approval of Absence Councillors Pedgrift,
Parish Council Annual Governance Statement 2018

Click here to view.
Parish Council Meeting 17 July 2018 Minutes

CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 17th July 2018 Present: Councillors Pedgrift (Chair), Owen Williams, Murray and Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk) 11 Members of the Public Action 1. Apologies and Approval of Absence Councillors Moor, Godwin and Laird
Charsfest 2018 – The Pictures – click on thumbnails to enlarge
Annual Parish Council Meeting 2018

CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PARISH Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 22nd May 2018 Present: Councillors Pedgrift (Chair), Moor, Owen Williams, Murray, Godwin, Laird and Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk) Attendees: 3 members of the public Action 1. Update on the Parish Council’s
Parish Council Annual Meeting 22 May 2018

Annual Meeting of the Parish In Charsfield Village Hall at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, 22nd May 2018 Members of the public and press are welcome to attend In order the Parish Council can be sure it is addressing the challenges of life in Charsfield and accurately representing the interests of the whole community we would
Charsfield Parish Council Meeting 3 April 2018

CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 3rd April 2018 Present: Councillors Pedgrift (Acting Chair), Owen Williams, Murray, Hedger and Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk) Action 1. Apologies and Approval of Absence Councillors Godwin, Owen Williams and Moor 2. Declarations of
Parish Council Meeting 23 January 2018 Minutes
CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 23rd January 2018 Present: Councillors Pedgrift (Acting Chair), Owen Williams, Moor, Godwin and Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk) Action 1. Apologies and Approval of Absence Councillors Winkworth, Hedger and Murray 2. Declarations of Interest