Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 24th November 2015
Present: Councillors E Winkworth, J Newman, G Hedger,
F Moor, D Murray, S Owen Williams, M Hedger
Attendees: No Members of the Public
Action | ||
1. | Apologies for Absence | |
2. | Declarations of Interest | |
3. | Points from the public – A chance for the public to raise matters of interest relevant to Charsfield
There were no members of the public in attendance
4. | Approval of Minutes of the Meeting held on 23rd September 2015 | |
Minutes were approved and signed by the Chair.
5. | Matters Arising | |
The Highways Department have marked the broken drain on the B1078 ready for repair.
The dangerous trees in The Street have been made safe.
6. | Planning Application DC/15/4456/FUL | |
Replacement Antennas, Black Barn Farm (see under Planning Applications Charsfield).
This was approved by the Parish Council with no objections, we would be very grateful to see an improvement of the mobile phone coverage in the village.
7. | Reports
7.1 | County Council
No report was received.
7.2 | District Council
No report was received.
7.3 | Police | |
Police report dated 01/07/15 to 18/10/2015 was submitted.
Due to boundary changes Charsfield has been allocated a new PCSO, Sallyanna Chatten-Berry, and a new PC, Debbie Howgego. We look forward to meeting them and would be pleased to have a regular visit from the mobile police station. It was suggested they position themselves in front of the Village Hall next to the notice board on The Street. If we are forewarned when they would be in the area we would be able to send an email around advising the villagers of this.
7.4 | Recreation Ground | |
Reports Circulated. There was some trouble with dogs being allowed to foul the Recreation Ground, but it was felt this may have been caused by holiday makers.
A grant application for £10,000 has been submitted to Tesco Green Spaces.
8. | Speeding
8.1 | SAVID Update | |
The Chair has asked PCSO Hassler for a SpeedWatch update. He was still waiting for the training sites to be approved.
8.2 | SpeedWatch Update | |
See 8.1
8.3 | B1078 Calming Update | |
The Chair had made a formal complaint to the Council which has been passed to Customers Rights which manages the Council’s complaints procedure. The Council pointed out as this was not a customer complaint it would not be registered under the Council’s corporate complaints procedure. However they have passed the matter to Derek Oldman, East Area Highways Manager and asked that he supply the PC with a written response within 20 working days. This has not been received to date.
It was suggested, as we are not allowed to make a complaint on behalf of our parishioners, that we write an article to the local paper outlining this. A letter is to be composed to the EADT. Councillors Pedgrift and Owen Williams to get together to write this.
9. | Planning: | |
Changes in Government Planning Applications have made it easier for planning applications to be accepted and we need to be vigilant as to what may come up.
Councillor Pedgrift went through the new planning procedure for applications.
11. | Finance
The PC will need to discuss the Precept at the January meeting.
The Recreation Ground should have received £500 from the Parish Council but they have only received £500 for last year in May. A cheque for £500 for this year to be raised.
It was agreed for the Clerk to go on a 2 day clerk’s course for £100.
The Clerk to find out if there are any Saturday courses for Councillors.
Agenda |
11. | Defibrillator | |
An amount of over £700 has already been received in donations towards this.
Councillor Moor suggested Councillor Newman speak to Tony Richardson who has been involved in purchasing a defibrillator for Bredfield. Bredfield also received a contribution of £1,000 from their County Councillor’s budget. Suggested we write to Stephen Burroughs re this.
Possible fund raising to take place at beginning of next year to raise further monies needed.
The Three Horseshoes will be donating their Christmas Raffle to the defibrillator fund.
12. | Public Telephone Box
We need to find out how we should go about purchasing this. Councillor Pedgrift to contact Lewis Marshall and/or Ben Woolnough to find out if we can purchase it for £1.
13. | The Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations
The Three Horseshoes to be approached to see if their car park could be used. Also to approach the school to see if they would like to be involved. Clerk to write to Councillor Kevin Archer from Kesgrave re early stages for planning an event.
14. | Road Safety on The Street for Children Walking to School/School Bus
Some parents have been concerned about their children walking to meet the school bus/walking to school. Christian Hassler has offered to supply yellow fluorescent vests for any child who needs one.
15. | Correspondence
A letter had been received re the Fido Bin. It stated the post had rotted through and the post and bin have been taken to the Ufford Depot. The post was actually knocked over not rotted through and had not been sufficiently buried in the ground. The Chair volunteered to pick up the bin and arrange for it to be fixed to a Metpost. |
16. | Any Other Business | |
Following on from the Risk Assessment earlier in the year we need to update this in February 2016.
Councillor Pedgrift to email her list to asked if anyone would like to receive planning applications or other notifications from the Parish Council to contact the Clerk so a fresh list can be compiled.
It was also suggested the chair add this to his bullet points in the Parish Magazine re email addresses.
The date of the next Charsfest is 21st May 2016.
17. | Date of Next Meetings | |
19th January 15th March 10th May – Parish Meeting
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