Parish Council Annual Meeting 2016 – Minutes

Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 10th May 2016
Present: Councillors Winkworth (Chair), Pedgrift, Moor, Owen Williams, Newman, Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk)
Attendees: Martin Lyne
Action | ||
1. | To elect a Chair of the Parish Council
To receive the Chair’s declaration of acceptance of office Edwin Winkworth was proposed by Fran Moor and seconded by Jan Pedgrift and approved by the Committee.
2. | To elect a Vice-Chair of the Parish Council
To receive Vice Chair’s declaration of acceptance of office Jan Pedgrift was proposed by Fran Moor and seconded by Sarah Owen Williams and approved by the Committee.
3. | To fill any vacancies left unfilled at the election by reason of insufficient nominations/ Co-option
To receive co-opted councillors’ declaration of acceptance of office There were no vacancies to be filled.
4. | Clerk to receive Councillors’ declaration of acceptance of office
Code of conduct/standing orders
5. | To decide when any declarations of acceptance of office which have not been received as provided by law shall be received
To appoint representatives
6.1 Highways – Martin Lyne was co-opted 6.2 Pathways 6.3 SpeedWatch – Martin Lyne was co-opted 6.4 Village Hall – Councillor Moor 6.5 Recreation Ground – Councillor Pedgrift
7. | Apologies and Approval of Absence | |
Councillors Hedger
8. | Declarations of Interest | |
Councillor Pedgrift Recreation Ground
9. | Approval of Minutes of the Meeting held on 22nd March 2016 | |
Minutes were approved and signed by Councillor Pedgrift after minor amendment.
10. | Progress Reports for Information or Matters Arising | |
Item 4.1 A further update was received from Highways re the water
outlet pipe draining directly on to Chapel Lane and they felt no further action was needed.
Item 4.2 Telephone Box – there has still been no reply. Clerk to contact Philip Ridley. Councillor Moor offered to clean the telephone box.
Item 4.3 Would the Parish Council be prepared to give a donation towards the Queen’s Birthday Celebration? As the tea is going to be given away it was suggested the Parish Council contribute towards this. Gerry to be asked what help he would like from villagers. Possibly have a Master of Ceremonies on the day – Councillor Winkworth agreed to this. Councillor Pedgrift will produce a Royal Quiz and obtain some prizes.
Item 4.5 Re the fluorescent jackets residents were asked to contact Christian Hassler directly at the time.
Item 14 The Chair has no copy of Standing Orders but it was suggested we look in the archives. |
Clerk FM
JP |
11. | Points from the public – A chance for the public to raise matters of interest relevant to Charsfield
There were no comments. |
12. | Reports
12.1 | County Council
No report was received. The Parish Council were sad to hear of the death of Peter Bellfield.
The Clerk was asked to contact Colin Noble to see if we could find out what would happen now.
Clerk |
12.2 | District Council
No report was received.
The Clerk was asked to contact the Chair of District Council as we have had no contact from our Councillor at all and would like to know what is going on.
The Clerk was asked to check what Councillors get paid to attend meetings.
Clerk |
12.4 | Recreation Ground | |
Councillor Pedgrift gave a short report on the Recreation Ground. Charsfest on 21st May will be the next event.
13. | Speeding
13.1 | SAVID Update | |
SAVID will be holding their AGM at the end of May and it will be proposed the meetings be rotational each quarter so they can be held in each village so parishioners can attend and discuss their own village problems. Three other villages are trying to join the group although the current constitution restricts this.
Tim Passmore was re-elected as Police Crime Commissioner. All potential candidates felt SAVID was very interesting. Only one mentioned speeding.
13.2 | SpeedWatch Update | |
Rob Gardner is now the Community SpeedWatch Coordinator for this area. Martin Lyne was waiting for dates for Rob Gardner to come and undertake the training. Mr Lyne had requested from Sgt Cullum temporary Community SpeedWatch signs, they have proven to have some impact on speeding. They will be placed all over the village.
Other equipment can be borrowed for a few occasions to try out.
The village has a sponsor who has offered to provide the fluorescent jackets for this.
13.3 | B1078 Calming Update | |
The Clerk forwarded an email from Mr Lyne on 19th April giving details of progress. Work should now start in June.
As soon as we get notification we should put on the website what is happening.
Mr Lyne had also sent out the Executive Summary review of the B1078 on 15th April.
14. | Planning: | |
There were no planning applications pending.
15. | Finance
15.1 To authorise payments as listed below: Cheque No. 100524 – Flower Show donation – £20 Cheque No. 100525 – Charsfest donation – £20 Cheque No. 100526 – Anglian Water – £47.81
15.2 To note receipt of income as listed below: SALC – Funding for laptop – £279.96 SCDC First Precept Instalment 2016-2017 – £2,107.65
16. | To accept the 2015-2016 Accounts before being sent to the Auditors | |
Councillor Pedgrift proposed these accounts be accepted to go to SALC for audit and Councillor Owen Williams seconded. All agreed.
17. | To Discuss Purchase of Laptop and Software Programme | |
The Clerk asked if it was acceptable to purchase a suitable laptop and software programme and this was agreed.
18. | Defibrillator Update
The Chairman of Community Heartbeat Trust will be attending Charsfest and bringing equipment for people to look at. The Parish Council will look at funding the outstanding amount if this is not forthcoming from the District Council by the next meeting.
It was suggested we apply to the East of England Ambulance Trust to ask for donation.
Clerk |
19. | Correspondence | |
Sergeant Scot Cullum had recently written to ask if the Parish has a Community Emergency Plan or a Coordinator for emergencies. Councillor Moor volunteered for this role and was duly nominated.
20. | Date of Next Meetings | |
The following are meeting dates for the year 2016/2017
19th July 2016 20th September 2016 22nd November 2016 17th January 2017 21st March 2017 |