Archive 31 December 2015

Charfield Parish Council 28 July 2015 minutes

CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL  Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 28th July 2015 Present:          Councillors E Winkworth, F Moor, J Newman, G Hedger Attendees:      10 Members of the Public, 2 Community Police Officers                   Action 1. Apologies for Absence     Cllrs J Pedgrift and D Murray  

Parish Council AGM 2015

Charsfield Parish Council Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on Friday 15th May 2015 at 7.00pm, Charsfield Village Hall, Councillors are summoned to attend, Public and Press invited AGENDA Welcome   To elect a Chairman of the Parish Council a) To receive the Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office   To elect a Vice-Chairman of